
Our 3 year old program will provide you with an experience that will leave you and your child with happy memories as well as laying a foundation for a love of learning.
While beginning relationships away from the family structure we will teach and model appropriate words and actions to use while interacting with friends, joining a group, resolving a conflict, problem solving together and caring about here needs of others.
We will develop early literacy skills, participate in group games and activities, develop fine motor skills through arts/crafts/academic activities and develop gross motor skills through music and movement.
Most importantly we will do all of this in a loving Catholic environment that focuses on Catholic values.


Christmas Fair

Our shopping time is 10:10-11:10 AM.
Please meet us in the lower gym to shop with your child. If no one is available to shop with your child, please let me know. You can send money in an envelope with a list of who they should purchase gifts for, and an 8th grade buddy will help them. We will return to our class after our time is finished.

Giving Circle

Every Thanksgiving Holiday our elementary school partners with the Staten Island Giving Circle to collect items to stock their food pantry.

This year, they would like to collect for their "Weekend Backpack" program. This endeavor discreetly packs backpacks weekly in 11 public schools every week and distributes them to those children identified as most in need.

Since these specific families will have their kids home over the long weekend, they are requesting items for the long weekend such as cereal, cake mixes, frosting, hot cocoa mix, pancake mix, microwave popcorn and things of that nature.

Would you please join us in donating these items to the Staten Island Giving Circle.

Donations can be brought in starting tomorrow and through Friday, November 22nd.

We greatly appreciate your generosity in helping the children of our Staten Island community.

In Gratitude,
Mr. Hansen