SJHA Mission and Beliefs


The mission of St. Joseph Hill Academy, a Roman Catholic elementary school founded by the Daughters of Divine Charity, is to make God’s love visible in the world by empowering our students with a rigorous education rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ where Catholic doctrine and values prepare each student for a life of faith, service, and openness to life-long learning.


  • All persons are created in the image and likeness of God.
  • Each person possesses unique God given talents and abilities to be shared for the good of all.
  • Children learn best in a respectful, safe, and nurturing environment.
  • All students can achieve and become life-long learners.
  • Teachers must model and children must interact with compassion, respect and integrity.



Graduates of St. Joseph Hill Academy will:

  • Know Christ and use that knowledge to develop a life of prayer.
  • Continue to grow in the formation of their faith and conscience based on Gospel values.
  • Continue to grow in a sense of responsibility to share their God-given talents, their time, their leadership abilities, and resources with family, school, church and broader communities.
  • Demonstrate their ability to apply the knowledge they have learned to think critically, and communicate effectively in a variety of ways.
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of the visual and performing arts.
  • Maintain openness to being a life-long learner by seeking ways to broaden their knowledge and skill set.