Visiting Author Series

visiting author
As part of our efforts to promote Early Literacy, SJHA Elementary School started a Visiting Author Series in the hopes of sparking a love of reading in early childhood. We are laying the foundation for the next generation of great readers. 
We have teamed up with The BookMark Shoppe, an independent bookstore based in Brooklyn, NY. In the 2023-2024 school year we welcomed Stephan Pastis, Kathryn Holmes, Elisha Cooper, Cleo Wade, and Gregory Mone thanks to this partnership!
We're back with more exciting new author visits this 2024-2025 school year! 
In October 2023, Stephan Pastis spoke with our 4th Grade. Mr. Pastis is the creator of the syndicated comic strip Pearls Before Swine, which appears in over 800 newspapers. He is also the creator of the Timmy Failure book series and the cowriter of the Disney+ movie Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made. 

The story is about Saint--a girl drawn to medieval knights, lost causes, and the protection of birthday piñatas. She sees the neighborhood she has always known and loved disappearing around her: old homes being torn down and replaced by fancy condos and coffee shops. But when her favorite creaky old toy store is demolished, she knows she must act. Enlisting the help of Daniel "Chance" McGibbons, a quiet, round-faced boy who lives across the street (and whose house also faces the wrecking ball), Saint hatches a plan to save what is left of her beloved hometown.
author visit
Jordan Toma @imjustakidwithaniep spoke with SJHA Grades 3-8 on January 31, 2024, Day Three of Catholic Schools Week.
Jordan is a motivational speaker and author of I’m Just a Kid With an IEP. He shared his life story, his struggles, his failures, and his realization that HIS STRUGGLE WAS HIS STRENGTH. The students were so engaged and inspired.
School never came easy to Jordan and he had his share of bullies and people that didn’t believe in him. But with the incredible support of his loving mom, he worked through those difficult years and has found amazing success. We hope his story helped everyone feel a bit more confident, willing to work hard, and be true to themselves!
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On STEM DAY at SJHA during Catholic Schools week, Brian Yannish, award winning author of SHARK AND BOT, joined 3-5th grade students in virtual presentations to discuss his creative journey from childhood maker to Author/Illustrator. This exciting presentation took them through designing STEAM Maker Projects from Recyclables. They worked together in class with STEM teacher Ms. Maresca to build their designs.
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Grades 3 and 5 had a special visit from Kathryn Holmes on February 29, 2024. Holmes authored multiple books for kids and teens, including most recently, The Thirteenth Circle, her middle-grade debut and the book she touched on with the students.

As a part of SJHA’s emphasis on literacy, Ms. Holmes went through her process of creating the story of The Thirteenth Circle. She guided students in small groups through their own process of creating an original story. The story ingredients she took them through step-by-step included ideas, questions, research, and imagination. The small groups worked through their story’s plot, characters, setting, and motivation.

The 3rd and 5th Graders were so enthused by the creative process this morning! Thank you to Ms. Holmes for being with us and for fostering the students’ imaginations and encouraging them to think outside the box.
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The SJHA Visiting Author Series for our early childhood program was excited to welcome Elisha Cooper, author, children’s book writer, and illustrator, today for grades Pre-K 3 to 1st. Elisha has written 25 books, mostly for children, and received a Caldecott Honor in 2018 for his book Big Cat, Little Cat, and his following book River won the 2020 Robin Smith Picture Book Prize.

With our students, he read from his recent book, Emma Full of Wonders. He spoke about his childhood on a farm and all the animals he saw each day. He also demonstrated some techniques he uses for his illustrations. Several students were able to come up and show off their drawing skills as well.

Students went home with a fun new book by Elisha Cooper! Thank you to Elisha Cooper and The BookMark Shoppe for a wonderful learning experience for our students. Elisha also made a special illustration of our very own, Mrs. Gregor. Lastly, a special thank you to Mrs. Gregor for working so hard to bring these opportunities to our students that are sparking a love of reading in early childhood!
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SJHA’s Visiting Author Series continued May 8th with an exciting visit from bestselling author, illustrator, and poet, Cleo Wade. Cleo’s newest children’s book, May You Love and Be Loved, was released May 7th and is a heartfelt and lyrical picture book that Cleo wrote and illustrated.

Pre-K 4 to 2nd Grade had the opportunity to hear Cleo read the book and enjoyed interacting with her and each other on the important themes throughout the book. They talked about what they dream of, how they show they love who they are, the times they have been brave ... the new foods they have tried (even just one bite)! It was a heartwarming experience to hear how our students related to Cleo’s wishes for everyone in her book.

“May every moment be a gift
And when the days feel long and hard
May your spirit be sweet and strong”
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SJHA’s Visiting Author Series continued with a visit from Gregory Mone, an author and coauthor of 19 books for adults and young readers, including 4 New York Times bestsellers. Gregory spoke to Grades 4 and 5 in the Auditorium this Tuesday about his novel, Sea of Gold, the first book in a middle-grade series about an unlikely young pirate racing a band of devious rogues to a hidden fortune.

He spoke to our 4th and 5th graders about how he works on his ideas and builds them into a book. He told them about how you need to write a plan for the story, work on who the characters are, and the setting of the story. He spends a lot of time in the library reading and researching his story topics and will also conduct interviews of people. He will also draw on his own personal experiences. He stressed to the students that they make sure to read a lot of books and if they want to become writers one day, they should start filling notebooks full of ideas! 💡

Thank you to Gregory Mone for joining our Visiting Author Series and signing books for our students. We are excited to dive into the Sea of Gold!
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SJHA’s Visiting Author Series returned in September 2024 for the second school year in a row! We welcomed Katherine Applegate and Gennifer Choldenko, two amazing authors, who spoke to Grades 2-4 about all things related to their books DOGTOWN and MOUSE AND HIS DOG: A DOGTOWN BOOK.

Dogtown is a humorous and moving middle-grade novel about a shelter that houses stray dogs— real dogs and robot dogs! A Mouse and His Dog is a companion story in the world of Dogtown about Mouse and his unlikely best friend, Buster, a big-hearted real dog who attracts trouble like a burr to fur.

Ahead of their visit, the authors challenged students to draw any dog, robot or real, and they chose 8 favorites they are going to post on their social media!

SJHA’s Visiting Author Series sparks a magical connection between young readers and the creative minds behind their favorite stories. By sharing their joy of storytelling, the authors inspire our students to see reading as an exciting adventure!
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