Trunk or Treat Logistics


We are looking forward to our Annual Trunk or Treat this Friday.

Parking passes will be sent home with your child today. If you are registered to host a Trunk you have already received a confirmation email and a parking pass will be coming home today.

Trunk hosts may arrive at 4:30 to begin designing their cars.Trunk hosts must have their vehicles in place by 5:30.

Check in for guests of the event begins at 6pm sharp.

There will be no parking or driving on campus at all on Friday night. (HS bingo)

Please find a legal parking spot off campus and walk in through Columbia gate and up to the main lot.

Keeping in mind the safety of all and guest our Trunk or Treat is only open to St. Joseph Hill Academy students and their siblings who reside in their home.

A maximum of two adults per family is permitted. Please do not bring extra adults or children.

Though we would love to invite grandparents, neighbors, cousins and friends we are simply unable to accommodate that number of people.

Please only arrive with the number of guests permitted.

Mr. Hansen