5th Grade Guidelines

Welcome back!  I hope you have all had a fun and relaxing summer.  "He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning."  Danish Proverb


Parents in both classes please send me an email so I can save your contact information.  It is our best way of communication!

[email protected]


Follow me on Instagram: mrs.nunziante


All consumable books should be covered with clear contact paper.


Scholastic Book:


Dear Parents,


We are happy to welcome you and your child to the fifth grade.  It will be a year of hard work, but we are determined to make learning exciting for the students.  With your assistance, we will strive to make this year a successful one.


Guidelines for 5th Grade

  1.  Homework

Homework is assigned every night, including occasional Fridays.  Students are responsible for copying homework from the board or checking Google Classroom daily and bringing the necessary books/materials to and from school. Allow your child to complete homework as independently as possible.  Homework will be checked daily, but also collected and graded occasionally throughout the quarter.  If homework is not complete or in school on the day it is due, 5 points will be deducted from their homework grade, which is part of your child’s average on his/her report card.

  1. Tests/Quizzes

Test schedules will be posted on Google Classroom by Friday afternoon for the following week. Quizzes, however, may be given at any time without being announced in advance.

  1. Projects

Projects that are assigned will be given a few weeks in advance of the due date.  A project description will be posted on Google Classroom.

  1. Grades

Report card grades are given numerically at the end of each quarter.  The grade for each subject is comprised of tests, quizzes, projects, class work, and homework.  Here is the percentage that each is worth towards the subject’s report card grade:

Tests  45%

Quizzes 25%

Class Work 20%

Homework 10%

  1. Daily Reading and Math Practice

Each student should have an independent reading book that they will read when tests or assignments are completed.  Students will not have access to a class library, so independent reading books must be brought from home. Students should also read independently for at least 20-30 minutes per night. Similarly, practicing basic math facts should be part of their nightly routine, particularly at the beginning of the school year.

  1. Labeling

Please make sure your child’s name is labeled on every item they bring to school (school supplies, clothing, etc).  Many of the things they are wearing and using in school are identical. Items are less likely to be misplaced or go missing when they are labeled properly. 

  1. Dismissal

If your child’s regular dismissal changes for any reason, please send an email and/or note by 7:30 am.  If a response is not confirmed, please call Mrs. Senese in the main office to be sure the changes were made. We will not be able to check emails or phone messages during the school day.

  1. Absences/Lateness

If your child is absent, an email MUST be sent in on the day they return to school. If absent for medical reasons, a Doctor's note must be provided before the student will be permitted to resume in-person education. The make-up work should be done in a timely manner. It is imperative that your child is at school on time.  The school day begins at 7:25 AM, with the first period starting at 7:45 AM.

  1. Conferences

If you wish to set up a phone conference with either Mrs. Nunziante or Mrs. Blackburn, please send an email, and we will contact you about setting up a day and time.  We are unable to meet with you in person for the time being.

We are looking forward to the school year ahead and hope that you are as well!


Mrs. Nunziante and Mrs. Lynch