Catholic Schools Week Agenda Jan 29 to Feb 2

Monday:​ Recognition Day: Students in all grades will write letters to the Sisters thanking them for their
service as they celebrate their 150 year Anniversary. Each class (Grades 1 to 8)​ will create a one page list
of an act of kindness that they will perform to honor the sisters. These lists will be bound and added to a
whole school spiritual bouquet. We will present the letters to Sr. Mary along with the spiritual bouquet at
Mass on Thursday. Students in PreK and Kindergarten​ can submit artwork in lue of letters. 6th, 7th
and 8th Grade​ students may dress as their favorite literary character.

Tuesday:​ Open House & Crazy Hats and Socks Day: The theme for this day is “Warm Heads and Feet
Help to Make Warm Hearts”All​ students in grades PreK to 8​ can wear their gym uniforms and crazy hats
and socks. Students in grades K to 8 (excluding grade 4)​ will donate either a hat or socks to a collection
for kids living in homeless shelters.

Wednesday:​ Arch Day of Service & Comfy Cozy Day: All​ students in grades PreK to 8​ can participate in
“Comfy Cozy Day”. Students can dress down in any appropriate lounge wear. No slippers or shorts
please. Students in PreK 3 and PreK 4​ will donate pajamas. 7th Grade students will read to Kindergarten
and 6th Grade students will read to 1st Grade.

Thursday:​ Mass of Recognition: Mass to recognize and celebrate 150 years of service of The Daughters
of Divine Charity. Students in Grade 4​ will donate a new toy to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Pediatric
Unit. 5th Grade students will read to 2nd Grade students. Poem in your pocket day. Students in all grades
should come to school with a copy of their favorite poem or an original poem they have written and read
or recite the poem if someone asks.

Friday:​ Spirit Day: All Grades Prek to 8 participate. Show your school spirit by wearing any of the
following: SJHA sports team shirts or uniforms, Hill wear, or gym uniforms. 8th Grade students will read
to PreK students. 3rd Grade​ will create placemats for Project Hospitality.